Dimarts, 10 Desembre
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Llista de temes de gramàtica:
BEG Frequency Adverbs
BEG Interrogatives & Negatives
BEG Like / Would like
BEG Modal Verbs: CAN - CAN'T
BEG Phrasal Verbs
BEG Possessive Adjectives (my, your, his,...)
BEG Prepositions: IN,ON,AT (place)
BEG Prepositions: IN,ON,AT (time)
BEG Pronouns: Subject & Object
BEG Routines
BEG Some / Any
BEG There is / There are
BEG This/That/These/Those
BEG TO BE: am, is , are
BEG TO BE: was, were
BEG TO HAVE: have, has
BEG Verbs: Past Simple Sentences
BEG Verbs: Past Simple verb form
BEG Verbs: Present Simple
BEG WH-Questions Present Simple
BEG Word Order: Adjective + Noun
BUS Letters and e-mails
BUS Presentations
BUS Sales and Marketing
BUS Telephoning
CAE Adjectives: Gradable/Non-Gradable
CAE Collocations
CAE Conditionals
CAE Emphasis with Inversion (Sub/Aux)
CAE Future in the past
CAE I wish & If only
CAE Idioms
CAE Infinitives and Gerunds with Object
CAE Irregular verbs
CAE Phrasal Verbs
CAE Relative Clauses
CAE Reported Speech
CAE Substitution & Ellipsis
CAE Use of English - Derivatives (text)
CAE Use of English - Gapped Sentences
CAE Use of English - Multiple Choice
CAE Use of English - Open Cloze
CAE Use of English - Word Formation
CAE Use of English: Transformations
CAE Used to - Be used to - Get used to
CAE Vocabulary
CAE Vocabulary - Multiple choice
CAE Word + Preposition
CPE Cleft Sentences
CPE Conditionals
CPE Emphasis with inversion
CPE English Proverbs.
CPE Expressions
CPE Idioms
CPE Phrasal Verbs
CPE Reduced Clauses
CPE Use of English: Multiple choice
CPE Use of English: Transformations
CPE Use of English: Word Formation
CPE Vocabulary: Definitions
ELEM Aux.Verb Questions Past Simple
ELEM Irregular Verbs List
ELEM Irregular Verbs PAST
ELEM Irregular Verbs PRESENT
ELEM Much - Many - A lot of
ELEM Much-Many-A Few-A Little
ELEM Phrasal Verbs
ELEM Prepositions: Behind, Next to, Under,...
ELEM Some / Any
ELEM Telling Stories
ELEM The Time
ELEM The Time & Routines
ELEM There was / There were
ELEM WH-Questions Past Simple
ELEM WH-Questions Present Simple
ELEM Will / Going to
FCE Articles: A,AN,THE,(-)
FCE Comparatives & Superlatives
FCE Conditionals Mixed & Linkers
FCE Conditionals Types 0,1,2,3
FCE English Verb System 1
FCE English Verb System 2
FCE I wish / If only (Hypothetical meaning)
FCE Idioms
FCE Infinitives & Gerunds
FCE Linking Words (mixed)
FCE Linking Words - Concession
FCE Make & Do
FCE Modal Verbs
FCE Narrative Tenses
FCE Passive with Gerunds & Infinitives
FCE Passive: He is said to + V
FCE Passive: It is said that + SVO
FCE Perfect Simple & Perfect Continuous (Present, Past, Future)
FCE Phrasal Verbs
FCE Phrasal Verbs (paragraph)
FCE Present Perfect Simp & Present Perfect Cont
FCE Relative Clauses (Gap)
FCE Relative Clauses (Join)
FCE Reported Speech
FCE The Future
FCE Use of English: Multiple Choice
FCE Use of English: Open Cloze
FCE Use of English: Transformations
FCE Use of English: Word Formation
FCE Used to / Get used to / Be used to
FCE Word Formation
KET As soon as-When-Until-While-If
KET Comparatives & Superlatives
KET Conditionals type 1
KET Ever, Just, Yet, Already, For, Since
KET For & Since
KET Indefinite Pronouns
KET Modals: May, Must, Can, Could
KET Modals: Mustn't, Don't Have to, Should
KET Modals: Need to, Needn't, Should
KET Passive Voice: Past Simple
KET Passive Voice: Present Simple
KET Phrasal Verbs
KET Possessive Pronouns (mine, yours,...)
KET Reflexive Pronouns (myself,...)
KET Verbs: Past Simple / Past Continuous
KET Verbs: Present Perfect Simple
KET Verbs: Present Simple / Present Cont.
KET Verbs: Will / Going to / Present Cont.
KET Word + Preposition
PET Adjectives ED / ING
PET Another, other, others, each other, ...
PET Causative HAVE
PET Comparative & Superlative
PET Conditionals. Types 0,1,2
PET Ever-Just-Already-Yet-Since-For
PET Infinitives & Gerunds (rules & expressions)
PET Infinitives & Gerunds (verbs)
PET Modal Verbs (multiple choice)
PET Passives
PET Phrasal Verbs
PET Relative Pronouns (That, Who, Which...)
PET Reported Speech
PET So / Neither
PET So / Such (multiple choice)
PET Tag questions
PET Too / Enough (single choice)
PET Use of English: Transformations
PET Verbs: Past Simple & Past Continuous
PET Verbs: Past Simple & Past Perfect
PET Verbs: Past Simple & Present Perfect
PET Verbs: Present Simple & Present Continuous
PET Verbs: Will / Going to / Present S. / Pres C.
Nombre de preguntes:
Fes la teva selecció
Test de recuperació (inclou els errors comesos):